How to choose earrings to complement your Face Shape
From time to time, you feel the need to treat yourself, maybe you’ve been promoted or been hitting the gym real hard. For whatever reason, gifting yourself a new pair of Diamond Rings in Pasadena, CA, or even some high-quality earrings is a great start. Earrings can be worn with every outfit and you may be thinking which ones would suit your face shape. Here are some tips on what earrings to wear to perfectly complement your face. Round Face If your face is wide at the cheekbones without narrowing down at your chin, then you have a round face. Women with round faces should stay away from earrings that emphasize the width of their faces like big hoops, circles, and button studs. Keep to hanging earrings which look ideal when paired with a Diamond Rings in Pasadena, CA . Oval face Women with an oval face should have no problem finding any earrings as this is the most versatile face shape. If you have high cheekbones and a medium width forehead ...